Thursday, May 26, 2011

Here goes nothin!

If you know me, you know that I've struggled with my weight since probably junior high.  I was never one of the skinny girls who could eat whatever they wanted and not gain a pound.  I was ALWAYS jealous of those girls.  And is it wrong that I'm friends with some of them on Facebook now and love that some of them are fat now? ;)  Oops, did I say that out loud?  I've just always been overweight and it bugs me.  I'll admit, my eating habits were far from healthy.  Fast food for breakfast a couple days a week.  Full fat lattes a couple times a week.  Pizza for dinner a couple times a week.  You get my drift. 

Well, times they are a changin'.  I started on this weight loss journey (yet again) last Thursday and I'm proud and ecstatic to say I've lost 4 pounds already!  Woot!  So, I'm down to 194.  I can't tell you how happy I was when I stepped on the scale this morning. 

I hate to say this for fear of jinxing myself, but it's been kinda easy.  I've been using the Lose It app on my iPhone and entering everything I'm eating.  My daily calorie allowance is around 1,500 calories.  Sometimes I meet that, but most of the days I'm eating around 1,300.  Who knew you could eat healthy foods and feel satisfied and actually lose weight?  What a concept, right?  I'm hoping to lose about 10 more pounds and then incorporate some exercise program into the mix.  I want to become comfortable with my new way of eating first.  Baby steps, people.

I'm so happy to join these lovely ladies who I've become friends with on Twitter.  Watch out world, the {not}skinny bitches are here! 

So ladies, who wants to meet in Vegas when we all get hot(ter)?!



  1. Good for you! I'm with you on the 'always been overweight' thing. I almost always eat healthy and exercise and I'm still overweight. However, I've come to accept my body as is and am just happy to feel great. Keep up the good work! Since you were so open about sharing your weight, I will share mine: 179.


  2. Check you out with your 4lb loss! Great job! And so proud of you for being brave enough to share your weight. I'll share too in my first post.

    I too have always been the "big" girl and always overweight. I agree with Angie, it's all about accpeting our bodies and being happy with them.

    So glad we're doing this together and am thankful for the support.

  3. um VEGAS BABY, December 4th!! you can cheer me on and celebrate after! :-)

    i am so proud of you! this is awesome. you're doing great, and the faster you lose the more motivated i'm sure you become. its a lifelong journey and i'm honored to be doing this with you! xox

  4. Yay you for being so brave and honest!! I'm so happy we are all going to be able to support each other during this. Congrats on your 4 lbs that is amazing!
