Monday, June 6, 2011

The one where exercise made sense

After a week of gaining two of the three pounds I lost the week before, I kicked myself in the ass and found myself at the gym tonight. I didn't want to and managed to think of a handful of excuses why I shouldn't go.

I'm hungry. I'm tired. I have a headache. There's wine chilling at home. I mean really, Courtney? Just get over it.

And I did. And I worked it out. And I enjoyed it.

I had fun and found the realization that I'm looking forward to going back tomorrow and doing it all over again.

Most days, I don't have it all figured out, nor do I often have it all together, but today was a check in the win column. I was on top of my game. I felt the motivation I've been missing. And most importantly?

I felt proud of myself for the first time in a long time.

Keep on keepin' on

I've been doing pretty well so far. 

A few highlights from this past week:

- I've lost 7 pounds

- My hubby told me I looked skinny. Now I'm not sure if he was just trying to "get some" or if he meant it; either way, it felt good.

- I think my face looks thinner, but it could just be in my head. 

A few lowlights:

- I did cheat at dinner on Saturday night and went out to eat with my sister.  The Summer Shandy and the shrimp pasta were totally worth it though.  Oh, and the Double Stuf Oreo Sonic Blast wasn't too bad either.

- Had a steak, corn, and ceaser salad for dinner on Sunday at my parent's house.

So, clearly the weekends are not being very diet-friendly for me.  I'm not stuffing my face all day, just usually one meal. ;)  Again, not beating myself up.  If I know I might splurge for dinner, I won't eat much for the rest of the day. 

I'm also loving all the good fruit!  Right now, in my fridge, I have watermelon, grapes, and strawberries.  Also, a pineapple on my counter just waiting for me to cut it up.  Yum. 

I have a ways to go, but 7 pounds is a total win in my book.  Not bad for 2 weeks!  We'll see what number I see on the scale on Thursday.  I'm treating myself to a pedicure when I hit 10 pounds lost.