Well since I am the knocked up one of the group I thought I would take the time to write about gaining weight instead of losing it. It has been 8 years since I was pregnant with my oldest son and it has it been a world of difference the second time around.
See I fell into the trap of "I'm eating for 2" and "the baby wants that food, it's not for me." Needless to say this lead to me gaining quite a bit of weight. A lot actually....... 85 pounds. (Please note this is the first time I have ever been honest about how much I actually gained and wow was that hard!) I would eat whatever I wanted and however much I felt I deserved. I mean I was a sacred vessel bringing life into this world damn it, I earned it! So why wouldn't I eat the whole bag of chips, followed by the cookies and a chaser of frosting. And exercise well I counted all those trips from the couch to the kitchen and back again as my only exercise. Oh and my house had stairs so that totally counted too right? Also I was in a very unhappy marriage and wasn't getting the support and comfort that is necessary with all those scary hormones running rampant. I was unhappy with my how my body looked and how huge I let myself get.
This time was a complete turn around. For starters I had worked very hard to get in the best shape I have ever been in before getting pregnant. Okay granted it was for my upcoming wedding and I honestly didn't think I would get pregnant on the first try but that's a whole other story!
I am proud to say that at the end of my pregnancy I have gained 27 pounds. I have made smart food choices (for the most part, there may have been a few Cadbury Mini Egg incidents) and have maintained a walking schedule that I had approved by my doctor. Also I have had the support of my amazing and wonderful husband and friends. During this pregnancy I have loved the way I look, I feel beautiful (most days, again those damn hormones really don't get any better with each pregnancy) and have learned to embrace my belly.
But it hasn't been easy. I still have a constant battle with myself when I get on the scale. Also I am still learning how to tune certain people out who only hinder me and add to my weight/food issues. But I also know I have the support of 5 amazing ladies this time who are going to be by my side every step of the way. I know that I will get back to the size I was, but I'm not in any rush. The health of my baby boy and myself are more important than anything else.
**The picture was taken on 5/26/11**
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