Six women who, if it weren't for twitter, would be complete strangers.
Six women with one goal in mind.
To Lose Weight

Hey y'all. My name is Anna and I live in the great (cold) state of Minnesota. No, we don't all sound like the chick in "Fargo". I'm mommy to Ally (5), and Dimitri (18 months) - they are pretty much the most amazing kids on the planet. I'm wife to Adam, who can always make me laugh.
Before I got pregnant with Ally, I wasn't at my ideal weight. I tried WW Online after she was a few months old and I really liked it. I lost about 20 pounds, but they slowly crept back on, and then some. I was 193 when I got pregnant with Dimitri and got up to about 230 when he was born. Now that he's 18 months old, I'm at 198. I am not happy with that number, so I'm going to do something about it. My goal is to lose 50 pounds.
I hope you'll all cheer me on as I begin this journey! You can follow my everyday adventures and frustrations on Twitter (@amusatov), or read my family blog at (sorry, I don't update very often).
Courtney here. I'm a 20 (but close enough to 30 to freak me out) something living the single life in California. My days are spent in the office and my nights are spent pretending to like my cat, Mr. Big, hanging out with friends, and drinking more wine that one should be allowed. I have blog ADD at and am known to tweet (@courtkneerawks) random nothings on occasion.
I lost about 50 pounds three years ago on Weight Watchers and vowed I would never look back. Then, I woke up one day with those 50 pounds, plus another 15 or so. After ripping two pairs of jeans within a 2 month period, I decided it was time to admit defeat and get back on the wagon. This time around, I'm counting calories and training for a Tough Mudder team in September 2011 and Bay To Breakers in May 2012.
I look forward to sharing my ups and downs with everyone and finally finishing what I started.
Hey I’m Autumn. So about me, well I’m 30 and live in California with my amazing husband Joel and our ever growing family of kids and pets. Our oldest son is Corbin (7) and Dexter should be making his debut any day now (seriously kid any day). I work full time and love what I do. Oh and I’m not ashamed of my love of Bravo programing and all things wine related (especially the drinking part). I don’t have a personal blog but I do twitter (@nmutua80) so check it out.
I lost 45 pounds over a year ago on Weight Watchers for my upcoming wedding, and wouldn’t you know it, I meet my own personal goal and find out I’m knocked up. I’ve done pretty well with weight gain during my pregnancy but I know I need the motivation to get back to where I was. (Once I get the okay from my dr. of course) Also I want to get back into doing 5k’s and completing a marathon.
I hope you enjoy this journey I am about to take with some pretty amazing ladies!
JenniferHi there! My name is Jennifer and I’m a single gal living in Northern California. I’m dangerously close to the big 3-0 and currently trying to enjoy every last second of my twenties. During the day you can find me glued to my computer at work and in the evenings you can usually find me veging on the couch, trying to regain my sanity after a looooong day at work. I have an amazing set of friends (including these 5 ladies here) that I love spending time with, either online or in person.
Weight is something I’ve struggled with my entire life. Both of my parents are overweight and I was brought up in the “clean your plate before you leave the dinner table” house. I’ve been on every diet you can imagine; Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, the “Poor College Student Who Can’t Afford Food” Diet, Curves… you name it, I’ve tried it. About 3 years ago I started on the Curves weight loss program and joined their gym in preparation for a wedding I was going to be in. I lost about 50 pounds over about 8 months and felt better than I had in years. The following year life just kinda fell apart and I turned to the one thing I knew would comfort me… food. I’ve gained back all of those 50 pounds (and several more) and now feel the worst I have felt in years.
For as long as I can remember I was the heaviest person in my class (or at least in the top 3) and its something I’ve always been self conscious about. Because of my insecurities I NEVER talk about weight. It took a while for me to convince myself to join these lovely ladies on this journey because now I’ll be forced to talk about it, but I’m excited and I think this is exactly the extra motivation I need to finally achieve my goals.
My goals for now are to just get healthier and feel better about myself. I know I have a long way to go to my “ideal weight” but for now its baby steps towards making major life adjustments. The rest will follow when its time. Thanks to everyone who’s joining us and supporting us on this journey. And huge thanks to the 5 beautiful women listed here whose friendships make my day brighter every single day.
Hi! I'm Amy. I am a 34 year old happily married for 13 years mother of 3 fantastic children. Mclayne is 12, Chandler is 8 and Delaney is 5. I quit working in the corporate world when Chandler was 15 months old so I could be home and take care of my kids. I still needed an income though so I started a home child care business. I also own and operate Flowerz In Her Hair. As if that is not enough I am also Vice President of our cities Youth Football Booster Club and active in my church and have several responsibilities there as well. I am a super crazy Not Skinny Bitch.
I have always had body issues and self image issues. Which if you met me you wouldn't believe because I try to come off very confident but it's all a show. I have done WW twice and have had success but I haven't been at my "goal weight" since after Mclayne was born. After I had Chandler I ballooned up to 250 lb and decided I needed to lose some weight before I got pregnant again. So I did WW for the 2nd time and lost 50 lb before getting pregnant with Delaney. I only gained 17 lbs with her and was thrilled after she was born and I got under my pre-pregnancy weight with good intentions of getting the last 50 off. You know what they say about good intentions.... I ballooned back up to 250 AGAIN! In 2007 I got down to 188 by taking phentermine. I felt great! This would be a good time to tell you I'm only 5'3". So even at 188 I'm really heavy but compared to 250 I was HOT! But just like all the other times I have gained it back. I started this journey at 256.6 lb. The heaviest I have ever been. I'm sick of being fat and I'm sick of gaining it back. The most important mindset I can get into this time is that it is a lifestyle change I can't go back!
I'm excited to share my journey with these other amazing girls and hopefully learn from and encourage each other along the way.
Hello from LaLa Land, where a size 8 is considered an x-large. I'm a 35 year, single gal living it up in So Cal. My days are spent looking (& running) after an adorable 15-month old baby and her 4 year old brother. I work long hours, and am exhausted at night. In my free time I watch TV, hang out with my dog Riley, and spend time with friends & family. I love to go out to restaurants and have a weakness for bakery goods. I have a blog at and am known to tweet (@frklfac) more than I really should.
Weight has been a struggle for me most of my life. I'm not someone you look at and think, "wow, she's fat", but, I’ve always struggled to keep my muffin top covered, my thighs under wraps and my chest hoisted up to where it belongs! 5-years ago I lost 40lbs on WW. I’d kept most of it off all this time, but over the past 18-months, after a painful breakup, it slowly crept back. I’m done. I'm done fighting it, I'm done looking at myself and being unhappy, I'm done wishing it'd just go away and I'm ready to do something about it. I weigh 159lbs which is the heaviest I’ve ever been.
I’d never felt as happy as I did 4 summers ago when I realized I could wear a wife-beater tank top with jeans and not as an undershirt to hold in the muffin top! The confidence and the feeling good in my own skin & clothes it gave me was remarkable and I miss that feeling……and I'm about to get it back....nothing is going to stop me this time!